问题:ROC_RK3308-CC SDK包Firefly-RK3308_Linux_SDK_git_20190924.7z编译buildroot报错 #error "Please port gnulib freadahead.c to your platform! Look at the definition of fflush, fread, ungetc on your system, then report this to bug-gnulib."92 | #error "Please port gnulib freadahead.c to your platform! Look at the definition of fflush, fread, ungetc on your system, then report this to bug-gnulib."
SDK包是从网盘下载的,对比md5码,解压无异常,按照维基的SDK 编译步骤走了一遍,uboot 和kernel的编译都 成功了,
唯独编译 buildroot 时 出现了 上面的报错,求分析