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[linux]hikey960安装linux第一步:Install UEFI









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2017-11-27 10:54:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原文:https://discuss.96boards.org/t/i ... s-instructions/2441
  • Prepare the required files
  1. $ git clone https://github.com/96boards-hikey/tools-images-hikey960
  2. $ cd tools-images-hikey960
  3. $ rm config hikey_idt sec_uce_boot.img sec_usb_xloader.img sec_xloader.img
  4. $ wget http://builds.96boards.org/snapshots/reference-platform/components/uefi-staging/13/hikey960/debug/config
  5. $ wget http://builds.96boards.org/snapshots/reference-platform/components/uefi-staging/13/hikey960/debug/fip.bin
  6. $ wget http://builds.96boards.org/snapshots/reference-platform/components/uefi-staging/13/hikey960/debug/hikey_idt
  7. $ wget http://builds.96boards.org/snapshots/reference-platform/components/uefi-staging/13/hikey960/debug/l-loader.bin
  8. $ wget http://builds.96boards.org/snapshots/reference-platform/components/uefi-staging/13/hikey960/debug/prm_ptable.img
  9. $ wget http://builds.96boards.org/snapshots/reference-platform/components/uefi-staging/13/hikey960/debug/sec_uce_boot.img
  10. $ wget http://builds.96boards.org/snapshots/reference-platform/components/uefi-staging/13/hikey960/debug/sec_usb_xloader.img
  11. $ wget http://builds.96boards.org/snapshots/reference-platform/components/uefi-staging/13/hikey960/debug/sec_xloader.img
  • Connect the HiKey960 and prepare for flash assuming the host machine already has adb and fastboot installed
a.On the Hikey960
...Set switch 1 and 2 to on and 3 to off
...Connect the uart to the host system and make sure it shows up as ttyUSB0 using dmesg command
...Power on the HiKey960
...Connect the usb-c otg to host system and make sure that shows up as ttyUSB1
b.On the Host machine open up a new terminal
  1. $ sudo apt install picocom
  2. $ picocom /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200

  • Start the flash process make sure your main terminal in in the tools-images-hikey960 directory
  1. $ chmod +x hikey_idt
  2. $ sudo ./hikey_idt -c config -p /dev/ttyUSB1

The picocom terminal would show an output like:
  1. Press ESCAPE for boot options UfsExecScsiCmds() fails with Target Failure
  2. UfsExecScsiCmds() fails with Target Failure
  3. UfsExecScsiCmds() fails with Target Failure
  4. UfsExecScsiCmds() fails with Target Failure
  5. .

at this time you have upto 10 seconds to press "f" and enter Fastboot mode.

Then on the host machine continue with the following commands
  1. $ sudo fastboot flash ptable prm_ptable.img
  2. $ sudo fastboot flash xloader sec_xloader.img
  3. $ sudo fastboot flash fastboot l-loader.bin
  4. $ sudo fastboot flash fip fip.bin

  • Set switch 1 to ON and 2 & 3 to OFF and reboot.
  • Done!
    To enter UEFI Boot Options press the escape key at boot.
    To enter Fastboot mode press 'f' at boot.
    Remember Android is not yet officially supported on uefi for Hikey960, this is only for openembedded builds.
    You can now enter fastboot mode and flash boot and system images for the same.


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