风火轮用户arhuy 发表于 2023-4-7 09:56:46


Get your Calibration FileThe ZED and the ZED mini arestereovision-based depth cameras meaning two cameras, displaced from oneanother are used to obtain two different views of a scene. By comparingthese two images, the relative depth information can be obtained.
The calibration file containsinformation about the precise position of the right and left cameras and theiroptical characteristics. This file is key in the depth estimation process andguarantees its quality.
This file is generated during ourmanufacturing process and is automatically downloaded by the ZED SDK or anyapplication.
Calibrations files are stored inthe following locations and named according to the serial number of the camera:·    On Windows: C:\ProgramData\Stereolabs\settings·    On Linux: /usr/local/zed/settings/·    On Windows (SDK ≤ 2.2.0):C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\Stereolabs\settings\You can also download it manuallyby following these instructions: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1XeiAngrHvoSu0FZ1sh7j_A?pwd=4mvd提取码:4mvd
When using the ZED SDK, you canaccess these parameters from getCameraInformation(). This returns theparameters from the file* (named raw), along with the parameters ofthe rectified images.* By default, aself-calibration runs at each camera initialization to optimize the parametersfrom the file. The returned parameters are the optimized one which willbe used by the SDK.Sensors Parameters
The ZED calibration file containsintrinsic parameters for both left and right sensors at each resolution.Here is an example:fx=700.819fy=700.819
·    fx and fy are the focal length in pixels.·    cx and cy are the optical centercoordinates in pixels.·    k1 and k2 are distortion parameters.These data are matching the pinhole camera model.(提醒:访问外网需要用梯子)
Stereo ParametersThe stereo parameters, alsocalled extrinsic parameters, represent the relation between the left andright sensors. More precisely, the position of the right sensor from the leftsensor with the center of rotation being the right sensor itself.Baseline=120CV_2K=0.00958521CV_FHD=0.00958521CV_HD=0.00958521CV_VGA=0.00958521RX_2K=0.00497864RX_FHD=0.00497864RX_HD=0.00497864RX_VGA=0.00497864RZ_2K=-0.00185401RZ_FHD=-0.00185401RZ_HD=-0.00185401RZ_VGA=-0.00185401
·    Baseline is the distance between the optics in mm(120 for the ZED and 63 for the ZED Mini)·    CV_*** also called RY_*** measures theoptical convergence. ·    RX_*** and RZ_*** are the other rotationaxis describing the transformation between both sensors. Rotations are representedin the Rodrigues notation.
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查看完整版本: ZED相机如何校准