04-24 04:34:42.95632204006 I ActivityManager: Start proc 10143:com.huawei.hiaidemo/u0a53 for activity com.huawei.hiaidemo/.view.MainActivity04-24 04:34:43.142 10143 10143 E Untils: copyModelsFromAssetToAppModels : java.io.FileNotFoundException: hiai1.cambricon
04-24 04:34:43.159 10143 10143 I buildmodel: onlinemodel : /data/user/0/com.huawei.hiaidemo/app_models/deploy.prototxt
04-24 04:34:43.159 10143 10143 I buildmodel: currentframe : caffe
04-24 04:34:43.159 10143 10143 I buildmodel: onlinemodepara : /data/user/0/com.huawei.hiaidemo/app_models/squeezenet_v1.1.caffemodel
04-24 04:34:43.159 10143 10143 I buildmodel: offlinemodel : /data/user/0/com.huawei.hiaidemo/app_models/hiai1.cambricon
04-24 04:34:43.159 10143 10143 I buildmodel: offlinemodelversion :
04-24 04:34:43.160 10143 10143 I buildmodel: _get_hiaiversion :
04-24 04:34:43.160 10143 10143 I : AiModelManagerImpl constructor
04-24 04:34:43.16328589928 I aiserver: MMServiceCommon::registerListener 10143001 0x0
04-24 04:34:43.16328589928 I aiserver: MMServiceCommon::ensureSessionCreated 10143001
04-24 04:34:43.16328589928 I aiserver: MMSessionContext constructor, pid 10143001
04-24 04:34:43.163 10143 10143 I : AiModelManagerImpl::_register: clientID:0xf42a63295da0(sync), total client num:1
04-24 04:34:43.164 10143 10143 E buildmodel: _HIAI_MemBuffer_create_from_file ERROR: dlsym fail: undefined symbol: HIAI_MemBuffer_create_from_file
04-24 04:34:43.164 10143 10143 E buildmodel: _buildModel ERROR: onlineBuffers create from file fail. please check with the log.
04-24 04:34:43.16428589928 I aiserver: MMServiceCommon::unregisterListener 10143001
04-24 04:34:43.16428589928 I aiserver: MMSessionContext destructor, pid 10143001
04-24 04:34:43.164 10143 10143 I : AiModelManagerImpl::_unregister: clientID:0xf42a63295da0, total client num:0
04-24 04:34:43.164 10143 10143 I : AiModelManagerImpl::deinit no client using, client impl deinit
04-24 04:34:43.164 10143 10143 I buildmodel: _modelCompatibilityProcessFromFileOutFile RESULT_CODE : 6
04-24 04:34:43.181 10143 10179 D OpenGLRenderer: HWUI GL Pipeline